

( or open the sound file and read data from the decoder) In the Lokprogrammer tools menu, do the "export CV list" task. Model PRR 1952.Ĭhris, From Thomas in Texas, 2020:You saved the updated sound project file in lokprogrammer after you edited the decoder, right? So here is the procedure: Open the edited sound file in Lokprogrammer. And let the buyer beware! - Morgan Bilbo, Digitrax DCS50, UT4d, UR93, SPROGIIv4. Is: You pays your money and takes your chances. But don't try changing 03 to anything on POM without changing everything else on the main. As I understand this is that you can change loco 28 to 128 or 1208 on POM - yes. Too easy to make that change on every loco sitting on the main. Same as changing a loco number on POM - is bad. The fact that you can't reset with "8" on some decoders is a very bad idea.


#Decoderpro code

Why can't or why didn't the manufacturers make it so that ALL decoders must use the pt and no loco numbers could be changed on POM? same as using CV8 and code 8 to reset to default. No one ever told me that you could change a loco number with POM. That with some decoders, you can change some CV's with the programming track that you can't with POM. And now I'm finding out things that I didn't know and don't make a lot of sense to me. So for those of you who do buy the proprietary decoders must realize is that they don't all work on all systems and that for LokSound, you need special equipment and that JMRI won't work the way it does with everyone else's decoders. That alone makes my hobby a little less frustrating. And since I don't own a bunch of different decoders, have found to my satisfaction that the SPROG works on all I own. I wound up buying the SPROG only because I was told it would read "most" decoders. And then, the manufacturers stated doing what they want to and make it so difficult for us. The "so called" standards only work so far. And what makes this hobby so difficult is all the different proprietary producers. As for NCE, since I don't own any, they also could have different products that produce different results. Digitrax makes many different products, some of which work and some don't. I think that in all honesty, whether a decoder can be read by JMRI depends on what you are using to do so.
